I am absolutely fascinated every week when reading how much the baby is developing and I can NOT wait until the 16th for the big mid way point ultrasound. Hopefully we have a calm baby in there so we can check everything out and we don't accidentally find out the gender :)
Also this week I completed the baby blanket for the crib (a tiny little pic of some of it below), so I'm getting more and more excited about all the planning. Justin also has a wonderful boss that got us a mattress we just need the crib to get it all going!!!
I also found this mobile that matches our fabric PERFECT and I'm about to DIE i need my hands on it now. I love how you can pick out which animals you want too!!! Maybe in a few months I can talk the Husband into breaking down and getting a crib and we can set up the baby's corner of the bedroom. YAY!
Oh and a last little point... I have been adding salt and a little more caffeine to my diet (compared to hardly any caffeine) and my blood pressure was 104/62 today... so much better than the 90/62 a couple of weeks ago! Also I'm up a whopping 7.4lbs!
Oh and a last little point... I have been adding salt and a little more caffeine to my diet (compared to hardly any caffeine) and my blood pressure was 104/62 today... so much better than the 90/62 a couple of weeks ago! Also I'm up a whopping 7.4lbs!
I cannot WAIT to see the growing peanut next week!:)