Monday, March 18, 2013

Adrian's birth story part 1

I was so happy to be off work and just relax until Adrian decided it was time for her to enter the world. I spent my week just laying on the couch and finishing all my final touches I felt I needed to do before her arrival.  I definitely needed the time off for myself because I was really starting to just be angry to be so pregnant and uncomfortable.  Going into work each week and people making comment such as "dang you didn't have that baby over the weekend" or " man your belly is HUGE".  I know I work with a bunch of men and they are most of the time just clueless that those comments shouldn't be said, but it was really starting to wear me down.

I just knew me relaxing at home would surely make my body ready to go into labor (and all the ridiculous wives tales I tried), but Wednesday February 27th came and it was time for my 40 week doctor appointment.  The doctor and I would discuss how long I wanted to wait to be induced and also strip my membranes to possibly help me go into labor naturally.  

My mom, husband, and sister in law were all waiting on the results of this appointment day... I waited in the patient room so patiently rubbing my belly and wishing that this would all be over soon,  alligator tears came down my face just wishing I wasn't at this appointment and how I just knew my labor and delivery would be nothing like I had dreamed and planned.  I grabbed a magazine to read the latest stupid gossip and to pull myself together before the doctor came into the room.    I have the BEST obgyn ever and she always is so bubbly and makes me feel good about my pregnancy, she walked in and immediately made me feel ok that I was here at 40 weeks.  She asked me when I was ready for this to be over and I jokingly said that my bags were in the car, along with the car seat and that I was prepared to have this baby today.  She laughed and said she would check the schedule and see about inducing me later in the week or early the next week.  I laid down and she check to see if I had dilated any more, her response "mmmm maybe like a 2 and 60% effaced."  I could have not been more upset that I had only dilated another 1/2 cm.  I just knew me throwing myself at my husband was working and she would say I was a 3 and 80% effaced.  What a let down ( at least the husband was happy I guess)!

Dr. Combs then opened up my chart to write down how I was doing and noticed that my blood pressure that day was quite high, I didn't know because the nurse didn't make out like anything was wrong when she checked. Dr Combs checked it again in the room and said it was 150 over 90.  She made me lay fat on the table and took it again.... 150 over 100.  She left the room to go check your urine.  She quickly returned and said that I had trace amounts of protein in my urine. I had all the signs of per-eclampsia beginning.  Dr. Combs then said to me, "well good thing your bags are packed because your having a baby today!"  I think I looked at her like a dear in headlights.  I was so ready for this day, I thought, but when I realized it was all about to happen I freaked.  She told me to get dressed and call my husband so he could be on his way.  She also had me go ahead and make my way to Labor in Delivery to check in, she had called and they would be expecting me.  

I called Justin, who of course was so excited and ready to have a baby and to leave work, then texted my mom who was in a meeting.  Not one minute later she was calling me and saying she was leaving work and was on her way too. I then texted my sister in law and told her what was going on and her response was "holy crap see you soon!"  ( she works at the hospital where I delivered so it was great).  I sat at a bench in the hallway between my doctors office and the hospital entry way and called Justin back.  It was all setting in and I was really starting to get nervous.  My birth plan was definitely not this and I was very nervous that this was all going to happen with every drug that I didn't want.  Justin calmed me down and said it would all work out and that it would be a perfect day no matter how it all worked out.  He reminded me that a birth plan is just that , a plan, and things work out differently but perfectly.  I hung up with him and then headed through the hospital to L&D.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer a question about your blog! My email is Lifesbanquet1(at) :-)
